Berhati-hatilah dengan realiti..kerana ia mungkin sebuah fantasi
Di sini saya ingin menggalakkan anda semua untuk membaca. Justeru,dalam usaha kerajaan dan pejuang-pejuang bahasa tanah air kita, marilah kita menyokong hasil karya tempatan. Saya yakin ramai tak minat novel melayu (budak laki ar maksud aku). Kemungkinan besar sebab fikir yang novel melayu ni jiwang je lebih. Ayat bunga banyak sangat. So, now, I want you guys to change that perspective, by reading this book. RAHSIA PERINDU by Ramlee Awang Murshid.
Cerita ni memang cerita cinta. Tapi, di samping cerita cinta tu, byk adegan saspens dan thriller. Cerita ni mengisahkan kegilaan manusia dalam bercinta.Kesanggupan manusia untuk bercinta. Dan dalam kegilaan ni berlakunya pula pembunuhan. Saya tak nak menceritakan plot atau sinopsis cerita dia sebab that will spoile the suprise. Trust me,through out the whole book, lots of questions will be playing in your head. That's what makes it so irresistable.
Dan apa yang bagus tentang penulis ni (Ramlee Awang Murshid), dalam cerita dia, dia selalu mengingatkan pembaca tentang islam. Watak hero dia mesti orang yang digambarkan sebagai seorang yang kuat agama. Kadang-kadang dia ada juga selitkan hadis atau ayat quran dalam tu. Dan bahasa yang digunakan mudah tapi seni nya masih ada.
Tunggu apa lagi? mulalah baca buku ni!! hehe.. Hope you guys will enjoy it as much as I did.
"Pasti berjaya di Akademii Fantasia.Ooo.." Are you familiar with that? Well you better be if you are living in Malaysia. Even if you never care about it, how could you missed it? I started noticing AF(Akademi Fantasia) during the finale concert of the second season. The one with Zahid, Farah, and Adam. They somehow managed to stick to my mind back then eventhough I'm not a fan of them.
Then in the third season, we got Mawi with his favourite trademark word, "World!!!".People forgot about the tsunami that just occured a few months ago and start focussing on "tsumawi". Amazing, how these AF phenomenon managed to make the people forgot about the sorrow and receive joy.
Now, the fourth season is starting. 20 new AF star candidates. There were some SPM leavers I noticed. Amirul(a name i'm very familiar with) and Salima(the girl wearing a 'tudung'). I wonder why she was chosen for the show since she wears a tudung. I also wonder whether they got a place in Matriculation or not.
Then, one time, I saw a programme at Astro Ria. The host was a woman. ButI don't know her name.I think she's one of our local radio DJs. Anyway, in the programme, they were asking an 'ustaz' about the 'hukum' of AF in agama or something. Hish, then I thought, "Were they trying to 'halalkan' the stuff that they do in AF or something?". Well, I didn't dare to continue watching the programme. I just hope the 'ustaz' said the right thing. I wonder where did they picked up that 'ustaz'.
Now for AQ(Akademi Al-Quran)."Ke arah membina generasi Al-Quran" was the phrase for the show if i'm not mistaken. I'm impressed that the show is actually done. I thought it was just a mere suggestion from the beginning. I only watched a few pisodes. Unfortunately, I felt like doozing off since people were just reciting Al-Quran and talk nicely without any surprises. Still, I think it's an educational show where you can learn to improve your Quran reading.
In my opinion, AQ is the kind of reality show that actually should reflect Malaysia. Not AF(sorry, dear AF fans). I said so because Malaysia is an Islamic country or at least, a country that is said to be practising Islam Hadhari. "Malaysian people dance alot". That's what I heard from Muslims from other countries(From Iran and Jordan to be exact). How embarassing since Malaysia is the Predident of the OIC, and also said to be an ideal example of Islamic country.
So, what do you think of AF and AQ? Which one are you supporting? If you choose AF, be prepared with the money you want to use to vote for your favourite student via SMS. If you choose AQ, be prepared to learn to recite Al-Quran properly wih a true heart. Till then, enjoy your moments in life while they last.
Pagi. Baca surat kabar. Hari ini Noh Omar, Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran cakap, "Bakal Guru Tidak Tahu Nama Menteri Pelajaran" Noh Omar menemuduga seorang calon kursus perguruan lepasan SPM2005 yang datang meminta surat sokongan. Siapa Menteri Pelajaran? Budak itu terkesima. Minta surat sokongan pun kena interview ke? Haha. Noh Omar kemudian menegur tentang kurangnya pengetahuan am dalam kalangan pelajar-pelajar di sekolah. Aku cadangkan kita tambah subjek pengetahuan am dalam silibus di sekolah [selepas pendidikan jalan raya] dan jadikan subjek ini sebagai subjek-mesti-lulus dalam peperiksaan SPM. Pada masa itu Noh Omar bukan sahaja boleh tanya siapa Menteri Pelajaran. Tetapi juga boleh tanya, "siapa saya?"
(no spoilers) I watched The da Vinci Code on the 18th of May, 2006, the first screening of the film at GSC Melaka. We are lucky that we live in the East, as we have the privilege of watching movies way earlier, compared to the Europeans(or the West). I would say that the movie adaptation is quite okay, but it doesn't live up to the bestseller. Tom Hanks does look like a symbologist, but what's up with the hair? Sir Ian McKellen was great as Leigh Teabing. And I have always admired his acting, as Gandalf of The Lord of The Rings for example. Audrey Tautou, I can't say much about her, but for me, she deserve the role of Princess Sophie. And Jean Reno as Bezu Fache, great. And the albino monk would be great if he's Darth Vader(lol). The critics gave it a C+, if you happen to surf Yahoo! Movies. But that doesn't matter, for we all have our own perception. I won't rate The da Vinci code, for I have no such wisdom to do so. The cryptex is beatiful. I would want one as a birthday present(envious of Sophie), though it wasn't Leonardo's inventions, as told in 'da Vinci Declassified'. I am glad that we get to see the full, no-cuts version of The da Vinci Code, though it is rated 18PL. It is enjoyable. If you loved the book, you'll come to like the movie. But, it doesn't seem to have much detail in it. I would not know if one could understand fully the movie if he/she never touched the novel. Such is the case of the Fibonacci sequence. What is that? I would know, but to those who never read the book, this could be more than a puzzle to solve. Ultimately, this is a film worth your money. And this is a film for those who are curios. Curiosity is important to fully enjoy the movie. -taken from So Not The Drama-
Tiba-tiba rasa macam mau masak selepas terencouraged dgn recipe yang diberi Khairul and most of all the last two entries on cooking by Atif. I don't know what to masak because I never masak. I looked for my mom's recipe books. Ada banyak! And I found this very interesting one
and don't say I am not patriotic for not contributing to my own country!
I just got back from the mamak nearby, had a roti canai cicah gula and air kosong (because I don't drink teh tarik. But that's not the point) During the lepak session, a friend told me that Amir Muhammad's docu-film, Lelaki Komunis Terakhir has been banned for any release anywhere in Malaysia by the Ministry of Home Affairs although the public screening dated May 18 at major cinemas has been advertised KL-wide, if not nationwide.
I don't read much of Berita Harian and other Malay/Chinese/Tamil newspapers and I don't know that this one bloody newspaper has been publishing a series of articles campaigning the banning of Lelaki Komunis Terakhir. So, I went to my grandparents' place, which is just in the nearby neighbourhood because my grandfather subscribes to all newspapers although I don't know if he reads all. I know that some of you, after reading those articles, would might just not care what's happening but I went dropping the f-bombs all over until my atuk came up to this room and thought I was insane. Thank god no ceramah session was held.
The articles featured opinions of the writer and partially of other people, politicians, academics, filmmakers such as the chief Puteri UMNO, filmmaker members of FINAS, Prof Khoo Khay Kim and so on. What not can be more Malay? The misleading unfair racist judgmental accusations among others quoting :
Tidak adakah wira Melayu yang boleh Amir angkat menerusi filem dokumentari...
Memang kita tidak lagi menonton cerita Lelaki Komunis Terakhir, tetapi soalnya kenapa subjek itu dipilih? Ini mengundang sensitiviti masyarakat...
Kita dalam dunia filem tahu, filem sebegitu akan dipaparkan dengan babak yang bermain secara psikologi dengan visual dan garapan tersirat. Ini boleh merosakkan pemikiran generasi muda...
Sebenarnya, apa pun alasan diberi, soalnya apa sangat cerita yang mahu menunjukkan kisah komunis dan mahu menghargai mereka yang menjadi komunis?Eh, I just feel like quoting the whole other articles. Haha semuanya! Sila google sendiri for the website yang sudah lapuk atau tak perlu. Kan tak kisah? Those articles are misleading and judgmentall and racist and extremely unfair because, those people who commented on the documentary have yet to watch the film. How can they say it as spreading the ideology of communism and glorifying terrorist group when they have not watch the film themselves or at least, the writer, if he/she sincere and responsible enough, would quote reviews from those who has watched the film. Maybe it was the title of the documentary, Lelaki Komunis Terakhir or The Last Communist that make those people reveal their immaturity of judging people (and in this case, a film) by the name. Maybe because the Malay title sounds like Erma Fatima's Perempuan Melayu Terakhir which tributing all the Malay-ness of a Malay woman made them think the documentary is would be a tribute to Chin Peng. We are all aware of the sensitivities of the public but somehow it's the matter of how are we approaching to one sensitive issue. We cannot live in negligencee not discussing anything at all about such sensitive issues such as the Malay special rights, religious freedom, etc. We always talk of how multi-cultural we are having radio channels in different languages, having different restaurants serving different kinds of food in a street, having all bahasa-bahasa ibunda freely to be used. The reality is, almost nobody listens to all radio channels of different languages, almost nobody dine at all different restaurants on the same street and it's so uncommon of us to be able to speak the other languages of other local ethnics. Nangis. Eh, merepek pula. From the documentary blog, it's learnt that the Ministry of Home Affairs disallow the screening of the Lelaki Komunis Terakhir is because of "the people had protested." Does an unfair one sided judgmentt published on ONE newspaper on an issue count as a public opinion? Yes, you all, it's the ministry of the same government which claimed the decision to scrap the scenic brdge project as "what the people want" without having the people's opinions equally put in account properly via opinion poll. For your information, it was the same newspaper which provoked the issue of Yasmin Ahmad's Sepet and Gubra as being "pencemar budaya Melayu" and that followed by another talkshow aired on RTM on a Sunday night few weeks ago accusing Yasmin Ahmad's portrayal of Malaysian idealism with the same judgements. I don't cry of how badly our film industry is worsening because nobody of my crony make money from that "industry" but how ridiculous are our people making judgmental reviews on other people and worst of all, on the other our people and to what they do. IMHO, there is no need to ban a documentary that might teach me what school history textbook didn't. Even though there are very few people already pointed out their objection against to anything presented in the film that to them is harmful, it's individual choice to what we want to watch, what we want to read and what we want to see. Does watching porn illegal anyway? Does Chin Peng - My Side of Story was banned? Well, maybe the Berita Harian writer doesn't read. Ahh! It's so unfortunate for all of us to have such a bad newspaper and that sort of leaders and as a result, the people are living in negligence with only having sentionalized news on newspaper as daily consumption. Nangis lagi! Penat aku plan May Madness. Well, ridiculousness does happen in Malaysia. Eh shouldn't it be Malay-punya-sia? Don't cry for me, Malaysia!
Have you guys read this book? Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. The movie is coming out here in Malaysia on 18th May. It was quite an interesting story and also controvesial as alot of people around the world keep talking about it right now. You can see it by looking at our local newspaper, Discovery Channel, and National Geographic channel.
So what is so special about this book? from what I have read, the story is about the history of Christian. Priory of sion, Grand Slam, Holy Grail, Roselyn, Jesus, and many more were some of things being talked about in the story.
The story actually said that Jesus Christ, is married and had a child. The story seems to be telling that the church had been hiding the truth of Christian or something. That is why the church banned the book, thus making more people read it.
The book is written based on facts. so, some people believe it and people now have been visiting the places mentioned in the book. Some people hated that book and said that it was a big lie.
The story of the book was quite long and i didn't undertand the story when I first read it. In my opinion, that book will encourage the chritians to find the truth of their religion. It may effect alot in their believes. At least I think they should.
So, am I recommending that you guys read this book?Yes. Eventhough it may not have much to do with our own religion, still, it is an exciting book to read. You can go like "Owh, and Ah". But don't take that book seriously though. the book is kind of weird. If you have read the book, tell your opinion about it.
I dunno. Can't make up my cloudy mind. Digi vs Film Digi-cam Pros: cool!, easy(to upload), an mmc is all u need(compared to film rolls yg bertimbun2), sleek(small) Cons: makan bateri maa, zoom not dat good Film-cam Pros: Oldskool!, tahan lama(battery life), great zoom Cons: everytime kene beli satu roll(film), hav to send to kedai to process, quite big(coz ade film) So, all in all, it does look that digicam wins the contest, but i hav this feeling that i wanna go oldskool, yet college life might demand the use of digi-gadgets(for projects n stuff). Hmm, but i do have time, for time is what we all have now(for some), living solo under the rooftop, waiting for news, with hope that we shall succeed, and dread that we might fail.
Pengalaman ini adalah kisah benar yang dialami penulis.
Pukul 11.30 pagi.....
Ketika penulis sedang berbaring di atas sofa sambil baca Mastika, tiba-tiba ringtone handphone Nokia 3315 berbunyi (lagu anda pilih sendiri). Penulis melihat nombor telefon yang menunjukkan pemanggil daripada Selangor/Kuala Lumpur. Pemanggil mengadakan analisa minda dan membuat penakulan pemanggil adalah kawannya, Hadi geli kerana Hadi geli kata beliau berada di Kuala Lumpur.
Penulis: Hello?
Pemanggil: Hello and Good Morning… (kurang jelas, kerana line Celcom tak clear. Penulis tegopoh-gapah membukan kunci rumah untuk mendapatkan line lebih clear di luar rumah)
Pemanggil: Hello? Hello?
Penulis: (menyangka itu kawannya, kerana suara hampir serupa) Assalamualaikum! (mahu memerli ke‘kurang adap’an)
Pemanggil: Err… Good Morning. May I speak with Mr Meor Solehuddin?
Penulis: (Menyangka kawanya bermain-main dengan ber‘speaking’) Oh… I’m sorry, Mr Meor is not available at moment because he having his meeting with his client. He will available in five (5) second.
Pemanggil: Er.. I am from HELP Institute.....(line masih x clear)
Penulis: (terus bermain-main) Weh, ko daftar kat sana ke? (penulis menyangka Hadi geli mendafatar di HELP institute, atau menelefon daripada tempat itu dan sedikit terkejut).
Pemanggil: (Senyap)
Penulis: Weh, ni betul-betul ke main-main (penulis menyangka Hadi geli menelefon daripada HELP Institute)
Pemanggil: Em.. I will call you back.
Penulis: (terpinga-pinga dan baru menyedari beliau telah berlaku bodoh (acting like a fool) dengan orang yang tak diketahui daripada sebuah institusi pendidikan. OH MY GOD!
Semua perkara diatas berlaku kerana line Celcom tak clear dan penulis membuat penakulan palsu. Moral: Jangan main-main dengan telefon. Never judge a person by his/her tone
Salam Maaf. Tiada kesempatan untuk menulis dan diselubungi komitmen-komitmen lain. Maaf. Artikel pengalaman aku ini bukanlah streotaip perkauman. Betul .Sumpah. Cuma pengalaman yang ditambah dengan pengajaran. Manusia 1. -Melayu -40++ tahun -Pengetua sebuah sekolah menengah. Aku: Assalamualaikum Manusia 1: Waalaikumussalam Aku: Maafkan saya menganggu. Saya nak minta pengesahan untuk sijil-sijil saya ini. Manusia 1: Baiklah. Manusia 1 dengan bantuan pembantunya(kerani kot) memenuhi permintaan aku itu dalam suasana yang sunyi sepi. Hanya mata-mata dan tangan kami sahaja yang bercakap. Manusia 1: OK. Dah siap. Aku: Terima kasih. Aku keluar dengan mengerutkan dahi. Manusia 2 -Melayu -40++ tahun -Penolong kanan HEM di sekolah yang sama dengan Manusia 1 Aku: Assalamualaikum Manusia 2: Waalaikumussalam Aku: Maafkan saya menganggu. Saya nak minta pengesahan untuk sijil-sijil saya ini. Manusia 2: Baiklah. Manusia 2 dengan bantuan pembantunya(kerani kot) memenuhi permintaan aku itu dalam suasana yang sunyi sepi. Hanya mata-mata dan tangan kami sahaja yang bercakap. Manusia 2: OK. Dah siap. Aku: Terima kasih. Aku keluar dengan mengerutkan dahi. Manusia 3: -Cina -60++ tahun -Seorang pekedai buku Aku: Hye Auntie Manusia 3: Hye.. Aku: Saya nak photostat result spm ni lima salinan. Manusia 3: wokeh Manusia 3 terkial-kial mengendalikan mesin photostat itu demi memenuhi permintaan aku. Manusia 3: OK siap. Wooo.. Lu manyak pandai yaa.. Aku: Owh.. Terima kasih Auntie. Manusia 3: Heh.. Apa tu congratz dalam bahasa melayu? Aku: Owh.. Tahniah.. Manusia 3: OK OK Tahniah la.. (menyebut dengan begitu sukar,kosa kata baru) Aku: Thank you Auntie Manusia 3: Lepas ni mana lu mau belajar? Aku: Tak tau lagi auntie.. Mintak je dulu.. mana dapat nanti saya masuk la.. MAnusia 3: Owh.. OK la.. Lu blaja baik-baik Aku: OK Auntie.. Thank you.. Bye.. Aku pergi dengan senyuman. Aku betul-betul tidak mahukan pujian daripada sesiapa pun. Tetapi aku tak akan menolak jika dipuji oleh sesiapa pun. Tapi, hari tu aku dapat mengenali dua orang yang sebangsa dengan aku yang mempunyai pengalaman yang luas dalam bidang pendidikan tidak memberikan apa-apa komen tentang sijil-sijil dan keputusan aku dan seorang lagi yang tidak sebangsa dengan aku tapi tidak mempunyai kelulusan pendidikan (aku fikir) dan memberikan sedikit komen kepada keputusan spm aku. Tu je. Errr..Korang faham tak? [Artikel ini diambil daripada]
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