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Eager in Egypt

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So, after about more than 2 weeks being in Egypt, I've finally have the courage to go to the cyber cafe to use the internet. Well, the Arab's quite scary and most of them like to cheat the newcomer. I don't often take picture as it will make people know we were new and some places are forbidden to take pictures. I don't want to end up in the underground prison in Egypt... Now, lets start with the first day we arrived in Egypt. The airport is really... err... simple... far away from the standard of KLIA.. that make us miss Malaysia (haiya, so early eh?)

Posing budak comel... kui3. Unsystematic Airport.

After that we were brought to the Dewan Malaysia Abbasiyah Kaherah (DMAK) for our stay before move out to our house. Fr the MARA student, before going to Alexan dria.

Dinding DMAK

Depan air pancut DMAK

Kafe a.k.a mat'am DMAK. Notice the 'kad raya' at the pillar behind them? That's for RTM mock raya recording. This year salam perantau dari Mesir.. Ngeh3

During our stay at the Cairo/Kaherah, the senior brought us the interesting places around Cairo. One of the thing that I like about Cairo is their juice are cheap and delicious. Ade air tebu, ari mangga, straberry etc. And noted that they are pure fruit juice, xde tambah air... Bestt....

Makam Imam Shafie. Notice the shipe-shaped iron on the kubah? Usually kita letak bulan kan? Ni special letak bahtera, melambangkan Imam Shafie penyelamat manusia dengan ilmunya.

Kubuh Salahuddin al-Ayubi (kalau tak silap) di background. Sebelah die Masjid/Madrasah Sultan Hassan yang dibina sebelum zaman Parameswara. Masjid/Madrasah ni hampir mengbankruptkan kerajaan Mesir pada zaman tu... Dalam Madrasah ni ade kelas 4 mazhab, tapi sekarang dah tutup.

Kubu Salahuddin al-Ayubi

We also visited the Cairo university as some of the JPA's students going to study there. On the way, we visited one of the the senior's house

Ugly, old and ancient stairs like Hogwarts. But Hogwarts got caretaker with Mrs Norris.

Secret message at senior's house

These are the situation at the Cairo. Alexandria (Alex) is much better. The moral of this story is i think that our leader have lead the country quite okay. Lucky Malaysia is more beautiful with the nice building.... Egypt money quite old and dirty.. have a bad smell (the small money only) ENd.

3 Responses to “Eager in Egypt”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Beautiful pics! mcm tourist pula kau. bestnya! cantik la tangga tu! and its kinda weird to have that kind of ringthebell notice being tacked on ur door. LOL

  2. Blogger sallehuddin 

    I agree. Beatiful pictures. I hope i can go there one day.
    sane x maju ke eh?why ya?
    nway, hope u study well there.

    oh, where are the pyramids?

  3. Blogger mee_ore 

    @ oh admin: they were applying the 'darurat' rukes at the moment. The place that are not allowed to take pictures is like their 'Bukit Aman' and all stuff like that.
    @ khyrel: that notice is on the senior's house, not mine... I got groundfloor house
    @ sallehuddin: menurut senior, rakyat Mesir adalah ramai lalu menyebabkan kerajaan tidak dapat menampung mereka. Hasil bumi plak tak banyak mane. Pastu kerajaan Mesir plak lebih menumpukan kepada ketenteraan. Jadi pasal landscape, education, sosial dll x diutmakanlah

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