"Pasti berjaya di Akademii Fantasia.Ooo.." Are you familiar with that? Well you better be if you are living in Malaysia. Even if you never care about it, how could you missed it? I started noticing AF(Akademi Fantasia) during the finale concert of the second season. The one with Zahid, Farah, and Adam. They somehow managed to stick to my mind back then eventhough I'm not a fan of them.
Then in the third season, we got Mawi with his favourite trademark word, "World!!!".People forgot about the tsunami that just occured a few months ago and start focussing on "tsumawi". Amazing, how these AF phenomenon managed to make the people forgot about the sorrow and receive joy.
Now, the fourth season is starting. 20 new AF star candidates. There were some SPM leavers I noticed. Amirul(a name i'm very familiar with) and Salima(the girl wearing a 'tudung'). I wonder why she was chosen for the show since she wears a tudung. I also wonder whether they got a place in Matriculation or not.
Then, one time, I saw a programme at Astro Ria. The host was a woman. ButI don't know her name.I think she's one of our local radio DJs. Anyway, in the programme, they were asking an 'ustaz' about the 'hukum' of AF in agama or something. Hish, then I thought, "Were they trying to 'halalkan' the stuff that they do in AF or something?". Well, I didn't dare to continue watching the programme. I just hope the 'ustaz' said the right thing. I wonder where did they picked up that 'ustaz'.
Now for AQ(Akademi Al-Quran)."Ke arah membina generasi Al-Quran" was the phrase for the show if i'm not mistaken. I'm impressed that the show is actually done. I thought it was just a mere suggestion from the beginning. I only watched a few pisodes. Unfortunately, I felt like doozing off since people were just reciting Al-Quran and talk nicely without any surprises. Still, I think it's an educational show where you can learn to improve your Quran reading.
In my opinion, AQ is the kind of reality show that actually should reflect Malaysia. Not AF(sorry, dear AF fans). I said so because Malaysia is an Islamic country or at least, a country that is said to be practising Islam Hadhari. "Malaysian people dance alot". That's what I heard from Muslims from other countries(From Iran and Jordan to be exact). How embarassing since Malaysia is the Predident of the OIC, and also said to be an ideal example of Islamic country.
So, what do you think of AF and AQ? Which one are you supporting? If you choose AF, be prepared with the money you want to use to vote for your favourite student via SMS. If you choose AQ, be prepared to learn to recite Al-Quran properly wih a true heart. Till then, enjoy your moments in life while they last.
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i hate AF gila2. euweuweuw. i'm not sure about AQ - the idea is good, i suppose... but, well, doesn't it create a sort of superficiality? oh well continue with what's good anyway. meanwhile, i have to say again that i hate AF gila2. MAN, the opening song is CHEESY. watch/listen to it if you need an instant dose of goosebumps.. haha
i like mawi!
M to the A to the W to the I
gooooooooooo MAWI!!!!
boys and girls com on together
"menuju puncak... bla, bla, bla
di academy fantasia..."
OMG, they got the super lagendary rocker of malaysia, ramli sarip as pengetua!!!
and, wow a female version of mawi!!
lets vote, vote, vote for female mawi!!! should we call her mawinita? or mawiwati? OK, AFUNDI MAWINITA or AFUNDI MAWIWATI, yaw! each vote cost RM10 per SMS (we never mind spending for the quality of satisfactory!) and an amount of the collection will be channeled to the victims of jojakarta earthquake and also the selected surau or masjid which most jamaah voted for our first ever female mawi.
akademi alquran? booooo!!! recopycat AF! tak malu! booo!!!
menuju puncak, lalalalala... pergi jahanam
hahahaha fanatik abess...mawinatic...saje buat gimik..hidop one in a millionnnn!!
haha mawinatic. tau je sume bende kat af, tapi suruh pergi jahanam plak.
akademi al-quran copycat ke?em, mungkin la satu cetusan drpd af.tapi nak malu ape? satu show yang baik ape.x kan nak tgk af je sampai tue kerepot dan masuk kubur. ade la jugak kesedaran rakyat malaysia utk ingat nak bace al-quran.
lagipun af sendiri pun copycat sebijik dari somewhere in south america.harap-harap ni la season last.dah 12 juta or lebih duit org malaysia ni habiskan utk mengundi kat af.semalam pun saye nampak sorang makcik bace majalah 'aksi(AF)' kat kedai majalah.ai, makcik pun minat eh?sedey...
eh, amirul, mak cik memang minat sangat baca majalah af. tiap2 issue mak cik beli tau. walaupun mak cik tak reti baca tapi mak cik tengok gambar saja lah. kalau ada gambar mawi mesti mak cik beli semua yang ada kat mamak news stand tepi jalan tu.
jgan la harap yang ni season last. mak cik baru saja buat government loan nak undi berjuta2 lagi next season. harapnya berseason2 lah AF ya.
copycat tak copycat mawi tetap tongkat ali, oops, werld!
tapi pak cik rase la kan, walaupun pak cik ni duduk kat tepi kedai emas je tengok org lalu lalang, pak cik rase hiburan ni boleh, tapi berpada-pada le..... kite kene ikut hukum hakam, bukan main taram je ikut mane yg best, x best tinggal.....
kan ade org kate buat bende tak baik tu senang, buat baik tu susah... so, tepuk dada tanya selera/iman......
x kisah le nk support atau tak, asalkan kite tau mane yg benar atau tidak benar atau nampak macam benar tapi tak benar pun.
at least, kite mesti pikir, mane yg akan dibawa ke dlm kubur atau tak bleh bawa...
AF ?? What the hell was that? Aku benci giler AF!! AF *****. Bagi aku, org yg masuk AF tu bkn nye suara diorg best sgt.. Suara nenek aku lagi best tau!! Baik org yg tgk AF tu bertaubat, x baik bnyk sgt hiburan. Bace la Al-Quran ke lagi baik...
Betul2.. kalau dgr baik2 suara diorg x best sgt sbnr nye.. Harapkan popular je, tu pn sbb masuk t.v. Kalau x dh lame tenggelam.. Blup.. Blup...
Jgn marah k? Terutama bagi makcik ,mawinatic & all AF fans out there !! This is me, reporting live from ....
AF season ni x de sape pon yang best. Geli je lebih. Cikgu-cikgu die pun x best.
iklan-iklan die pun poyo.gune english plak.