Have you guys read this book? Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. The movie is coming out here in Malaysia on 18th May. It was quite an interesting story and also controvesial as alot of people around the world keep talking about it right now. You can see it by looking at our local newspaper, Discovery Channel, and National Geographic channel.
So what is so special about this book? from what I have read, the story is about the history of Christian. Priory of sion, Grand Slam, Holy Grail, Roselyn, Jesus, and many more were some of things being talked about in the story.
The story actually said that Jesus Christ, is married and had a child. The story seems to be telling that the church had been hiding the truth of Christian or something. That is why the church banned the book, thus making more people read it.
The book is written based on facts. so, some people believe it and people now have been visiting the places mentioned in the book. Some people hated that book and said that it was a big lie.
The story of the book was quite long and i didn't undertand the story when I first read it. In my opinion, that book will encourage the chritians to find the truth of their religion. It may effect alot in their believes. At least I think they should.
So, am I recommending that you guys read this book?Yes. Eventhough it may not have much to do with our own religion, still, it is an exciting book to read. You can go like "Owh, and Ah". But don't take that book seriously though. the book is kind of weird. If you have read the book, tell your opinion about it.
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Hmmmm..very interesting..i'll find the book someday..heard about the book many times actually,but never really understood what the heck is so special about the book..i've heard somewhere that,yes,the church council do hide something from their devotees..heard that it's got something to do with the real truth about their bible n religion or something like that..bcoz like we all know the christians do believe in kitab injil,which is bible,ryte?(correct me if i'm wrong)so they actually twist n turn the contents of injil into bible,or something like that..so they afraid that if the christians know the truth,they will convert to muslims..ermm..dunno..something i heard about..hurm,anyway,i'm more interested into reading about finance n business kut lately..try Rich Dad Poor Dad..really an intriguing book..the author shares his insights about money n life..he criticizes the school systems of producing employees!instead of employers..he also said at school we were punished for making mistakes!which is clearly contradiction to the nature ways of learning..mistakes is the best teacher of all!we learn by mistakes..unfortunately,we especially malays afraid making mistakes..that's y we end up no where..u guys should read la..interesting..it;s not like the 'cepat kaya' scheme sort of thing la..way beyond expectations!!(MAS quotes)hahahaha
yup, i hv read the book. heck, i think i brought the rage to maresmart, coz as usual, pinjam-meminjam suatu kebiasaan d maresmart, so after i read d da vinci code, borrowed it to anwar(d other from class 04 too), then another, then another, then another...(i dunno how many ppl read my book) puff, then it's lost. and didn't u watch da vinci declassified last nite on discovery channel? 'separate facts from fiction'. the encore is on 23rd of may, 9pm.
nak bace! but just too busy.....
and anyone watched d gospel of judas? interesting, but still...
well, i never read the book because everybody was reading it and talking bout it and suddenly dan brown's (other) books memenuhi the display shelves of the local bookstores. haha! but cant wait to watch the film. gonna serbu for the premier show and be among first to watch it.
ahh, someone thought he brought the rage of da vinci code to maresmart. where did i go lost to?
Lets serbu ramai2 to the cinema tomorroww!!!