Dua bulan lepas: Ketika minggu orientasi, ketika mendengar ceramah yang _ _ _ _ _ , aku berkenalan dengan seorang rakan Malaysia yang bukan Muslim (Kristian). Hye. Saya al-amin, dari MRSM Taiping. "Oh, hye. Saya Will (bukan nama sebenar). Sapa nama awak tadi?" Al-amin. "oh. Al-amin.. Awak ni boleh dipercayai* ke?" Aku diam. Emosi tiba-tiba jadi tak stabil. Tapi, selamat aku rasional sikit. Aku percaya yang dia tu bergurau. Aku percaya. OK. Kembali ke bulan ini. Pope Benedict XVI berucap di sebuah universiti baru-baru ini. Ucapannya itu sedikit sebanyak menghina Islam. Dan aku kembali terfikir. Tiba-tiba aku jadi tak percaya. * al-amin maknanya yang dipercayai
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Die takde la mintak maaf sangat pun. Dia mintak maaf atas reaction yg timbul, bukan mintak maaf atas kesilapan dia. Apepun, ni boleh dikatakan 1st time a pope mintak maaf even though secara tak jelas.
1st time mintak maaf!! Diorang ni maksum ke ape sampai tak payah mintak maaf?
Ape pun, i know it wasn't his words.. and he was quoting from someone else. But.. wha't the point? Takkan la dah takde ayat lain atau kitab lain yang dia tak boleh quote.
Dia bukannya hidup dalam gua untuk tahu bahawa umat manusia sekarang sangat sensitif dengan perkara sebegini.
xpelah, sekurang2nya dia dah mintak maaf. (malas nak layan sebenarnya.)
yang saudara2 ekstremis kita di iraq memberi reaksi militan ape pasal. bukan ke reaksi diorang tu cuma akan makin meng-enforce lagi stereotype "islam is spread by the sword". dalam hal ni, tak tahulah nak dikatakan sapa yang lebih bersalah: yang menuduh, atau yang "membuktikan".
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, hendaklah kamu semua sentiasa menjadi orang-orang yang menegakkan keadilan kerana Allah, lagi menerangkan kebenaran dan jangan sekali-kali kebencian kamu terhadap sesuatu kaum itu mendorong kamu kepada tidak melakukan keadilan. Hendaklah kamu berlaku adil (kepada sesiapa jua) kerana sikap adil itu lebih hampir kepada takwa dan bertakwalah kepada Allah, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui dengan mendalam akan apa yang kamu lakukan.
to those interested, full text of the speech can be read by clicking my name.
i like the quest too!
echopena: mungkin maksum itu relatif? apa definition maksum untuk orang katolik? bukankah pope itu infallible? adakah dia bercakap dalam situasi ex cathedra ketika tu? tapi ni perkara teknikal, kene kaji lagi dalam.
kalau betul dia maksum, apa kesannya kepada catholic church kalau dia mintak maaf?
Gosh.. never thought of ex cathedra Dot.. Seriously good one!!
That really makes sense though.. if the pope was speaking ex cathedra, then for him to apologize is a very big deal.
Kadang dok pikir org lain cakap pasal Islam tak pikir dulu, diri sendiri pun same je.. tak pikir dulu pasal agama org lain. Alaa dah abis sem la pulak nak ambik kelas pasal christianity pulak...
err..i'm suprised even a christian also knows the meaning of al-amin though some of ur brothers n sisterz of Islam also don't know that..erm,i don't think he's trying to be sarcastic or anything..i think he juz want to impress u that he knows the meaning of ur name but mayb his words are not too polite..erm..interesting though..
hehe.. at last someone brought us back to the post's discussion. Thanks anonymous!
Actually I also didn't think that the questioner intended to insult al-amin per say. Rather, he or she might just wants to be proud that he or she knows the meaning of the word.
So rather than asking, "al-amin means dipercayai, is it not?", he or she decided to use it in another way that could be [mis]interpreted as an insult.
alahai "anonymous", macamlah aku tak tahu ko sape.. :p
nah i dont think will meant it as an insult. and knowing how amin writes (oh the so-humorous sarcasm), i don't think amin really took it as an insult (or did you?). in fact, i thought the question was very amusing, even funny.
al-amin - strictly Islamic, or simply Arabic?
Not so much of a wonder if a Christian knows Arabic. And with all that had been going on, non-muslims are starting to know Islam too. Just the other day, an American co-worker was asking me about polygamy, and, satisfied with my answer, we proceeded to make a list of who among our co-workers we want to marry (up to four, of course).
Back to the topic. The first time I went through the question, I didn't see it as insulting. Maybe we just have to be there to truly see the facial expression, the nuances, the inflection.