a nice,funny story i would like to share. enjoy. Four Men entered a mosque and each busied himself in salah, humbly prostrating before Allah. Each one said the "Allahu Akhbar" after first having made his intention, and began to pray with humility. Meanwhile the Mu'adhdhin came in and gave the call to salah. The first man blurted out to the Mu'adhdhin, "Are you calling to the prayer? Are you sure it is the right time?" The second spoke on the spur of the moment, "You have wasted your salah by speaking during prayers!" The third retorted, "Why did YOU speak? Tell your OWN self how to behave!" The fourth mumbled, "Praise be to Allah! I wasn't a party to their arguments." Thus all the four broke their salat and wasted it. The fault-finders went more astray than the one who made the original mistake. moral: correct yourself before correcting others.
sorry peeps! it's been a long time since i've contributed to this site. so now, i want to propose something. let's revolutionize this site. how? easy! we improve our inputs by simplifying them!
have'nt anyone realized that our entries in this blog is just sooooo LOOOONG!! please people, make it SHORT, SIMPLE AND SWEET! i strongly believe that it would be much better that way.
let's revive this site and continue the MARESMART SPIRIT!! haha (i fell like a cheerleader la pulak.)
yours truly,
p/s: tak pe eh nak mencapub skit..hehe
have a nice day peeps!!
...formerly the blog portal for ex-MRSM Taiping students of the 0405 batch, but has now become the unofficial blog portal cum randomly-updated-webzine for all ex-students of MRSM Taiping.
Contact us at maresmartians0405 at gmail dot com
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Blog maintenance: Several posts (by the admin) are not up-to-date. Maintenance will be made at the end of the year when we have more time to work with rebellious htmls.